Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Uppercase Living goals!

Well, I'm not quite giving up yet. I am a little over half way to earning the Uppercase Living incentive trip -- with many more potential points this month and next. I still have until August 31st to earn the Uppercase Living incentive cruise. However, I'm just not sure I want to spend my entire summer doing 20 more shows (LOL).

I am, however, just one step away from promoting to Director!! One of my downline ladies needs just one more person on her team in order to promote to a Senior Demonstrator. This will give me two Senior Demonstrators on my team which will help with my own promotion. I'm hoping to meet this goal by the end of May in order to attend the Leader dinner at convention this summer! Woo-hoo!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Snake Birthday Cake!

Luke is turning 6 years old tomorrow and I can't believe it! We are having his party at an animal conservation center and the theme is "Turtles and Snakes, Oh My!" So I decided to dig down deep and find my creative side. I actually saw the instructions to this cake on the internet. I made a white bakery cake and then a buttercream frosting. Most everything in this cake (with the exception of the red frosting) is all natural so that Sydney can enjoy it too. I used all natural food colorings for the yellow and the gray, shaped a Starburst for the tongue and chocolate chips for the eyes. It turned out pretty cute if I must say so myself!

School program

The kids were in a school musical program last night and I was able to get a few shots of them together. This one turned out really cute!

The birds have hatched

About a week ago, we found two brand new baby birds in their nest. So far, the other two eggs have not hatched, but we so enjoy looking in on God's little creations every morning. Here is the best picture I have right now.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Birds in my wreath

Well, it looks as if we might have company. I opened my front door about two weeks ago only to discover a birds nest on my wreath. Not wanting to disturb it, I left it alone. The nest went from one egg to three. The kids are really enjoying peeking at it every day to see if the baby birds have hatched. Hasn't happened yet. We think it is a sparrow's nest because the momma bird looks like a sparrow when she quickly flies away when we open the door.