Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Uppercase Living now has Photo Prints!
Looking for something really unique for that special someone this Christmas? Children especially love seeing themselves so think about your kids, your nieces and nephews, and any other special child in your life. Also remember that photo prints are a beautiful new way of decorating your own walls. Below are a couple of ways in which Photo Prints can really personalize a space. Like what you see? Just log into my website, click on PRODUCTS, MyDesign Suite on the right side of the page and then PHOTO PRINT on the left side of the page. Upload a high quality photo and have fun making either a contour cut vinyl photo print or a full photo print.

Friday, July 24, 2009
5 Things Friday
I am playing along with Jean Stockdale on her blog. Jean has started a "5 Things Friday" and I am excited to participate! So this week's topic is What 5 Things Do You Not Like? So here are my 5 things:
1)Flying in an airplaine. I did not fly until I was a student in college and I always had nightmares about crashing in an airplane before I ever even flew. So even though I've flown quite a bit since college, it is a fear that I try to conquer every time I step foot on a plane. I am sometimes seen breaking out into a sweat or very wide-eyed and alert for any weird noises. Can't control what happens and it is all in God's hands, but I still don't enjoy it!
2)Frogs. I really don't like their hopping and jumping movements. I think they are very ugly and I don't like them. They are right up there with snakes in my book!
3)Small holes or groupings/microscopic pictures. I know this is a very strange thing, and I didn't even know that the fear actually has a name until about two years ago. I wanted to know if other people got "the willies" when looking at holes made in the snow by melting icicles on trees, seeds inside of a cut pepper, etc. The "fear" actually has the name of trypophobia! Look it up!
4)Being touched when I'm sleepy. I want my space and really don't like cuddling when I'm tired.
5)People who toss blame. This just bothers me. I hate the fact that everyone these days is looking for a reason to sue someone else. I don't like it when something is everyone else's fault. What happened to forgiveness and getting along with your friends and neighbors?
1)Flying in an airplaine. I did not fly until I was a student in college and I always had nightmares about crashing in an airplane before I ever even flew. So even though I've flown quite a bit since college, it is a fear that I try to conquer every time I step foot on a plane. I am sometimes seen breaking out into a sweat or very wide-eyed and alert for any weird noises. Can't control what happens and it is all in God's hands, but I still don't enjoy it!
2)Frogs. I really don't like their hopping and jumping movements. I think they are very ugly and I don't like them. They are right up there with snakes in my book!
3)Small holes or groupings/microscopic pictures. I know this is a very strange thing, and I didn't even know that the fear actually has a name until about two years ago. I wanted to know if other people got "the willies" when looking at holes made in the snow by melting icicles on trees, seeds inside of a cut pepper, etc. The "fear" actually has the name of trypophobia! Look it up!
4)Being touched when I'm sleepy. I want my space and really don't like cuddling when I'm tired.
5)People who toss blame. This just bothers me. I hate the fact that everyone these days is looking for a reason to sue someone else. I don't like it when something is everyone else's fault. What happened to forgiveness and getting along with your friends and neighbors?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Very thought provoking . . .
You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren,
'Purpose Driven Life' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life?
And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me.
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness..
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore.
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for..
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems:
If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.
We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life.
Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy.
It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease..
So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72.
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church.
Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation..
Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.
We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?
When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
'Purpose Driven Life' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life?
And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me.
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness..
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore.
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for..
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems:
If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.
We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life.
Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy.
It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease..
So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72.
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church.
Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation..
Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.
We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?
When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Uppercase Living Summer Splash Incentive!!
Dive into hot deals and incredible rewards with the 2009 Summer Splash Incentive! Enjoy significant discounts, exclusive free products, and tremendous savings as part of this once-a-year promotion! Offers available until July 23 at 6 pm(MT). To view the Uppercase Living catalog, click here!
Customers - Save up to $20!
Save BIG on expressions and accessories during Summer Splash! When you spend $40, receive a $5 discount off the entire order! For every additional $20 spent, receive an additional $5 off up to $20 off per order!

Get $126 in products for just $80!
This means that if you order $100 in expressions and accessories,
you'll get $20 off your order PLUS
still get all three regular free customer gifts (a $26 value)!
Want even more free stuff?
Invite some friends to do the same and without even doing a party in your home, your order becomes an Open House and you'll get hostess benefits, too.
Orders must be placed together by contacting me -- cannot be considered an Open House order if it is placed online.)
Hostesses - Earn more FREE gifts!
During Summer Splash, when your party reaches $350 in sales, you will earn one of two Celebrations Door Sampler Kits (each is a $48 value) in addition to the free products, half price items, & monthly hostess gifts!
May 18-June 23

June 24-July 23

My dates fill up quickly every year during this time, so contact me today to book your party!
EXTRA INCENTIVE! The first four ladies to schedule a show will receive a FREE 6 inch monogram letter in your choice of font and color!
Become an Uppercase Living Demonstrator and get extra product credit!!
View business opportunity here!
Purchase an Essentials Starter Kit (only $99!) during Summer Splash and get $50 in Living Rewards Product Credit -- that's DOUBLE the normal amount of $25!
Purchase an Essentials Plus Starter Kit (only $199!) during Summer Splash and you'll get $150 in Living Rewards Product Credit -- that's an extra $50 on top of the normal amount of $100!

Product credits can purchase any expressions or accessories! You can use these to decorate your own home or as giveaways and demonstrations to boost your business.
Along with extra product credit, your starter kit contains everything you need to launch a successful business. For a complete list of starter kit contents, visit my website.
Summer Splash is only available for a limited time so be sure to take advantage of all the savings!
Contact me today with any questions about our fantastic Summer Splash incentive or to book your own Open House or catalog party!
Customers - Save up to $20!
Save BIG on expressions and accessories during Summer Splash! When you spend $40, receive a $5 discount off the entire order! For every additional $20 spent, receive an additional $5 off up to $20 off per order!
Get $126 in products for just $80!
This means that if you order $100 in expressions and accessories,
you'll get $20 off your order PLUS
still get all three regular free customer gifts (a $26 value)!
Want even more free stuff?
Invite some friends to do the same and without even doing a party in your home, your order becomes an Open House and you'll get hostess benefits, too.
Orders must be placed together by contacting me -- cannot be considered an Open House order if it is placed online.)
Hostesses - Earn more FREE gifts!
During Summer Splash, when your party reaches $350 in sales, you will earn one of two Celebrations Door Sampler Kits (each is a $48 value) in addition to the free products, half price items, & monthly hostess gifts!
May 18-June 23
June 24-July 23
My dates fill up quickly every year during this time, so contact me today to book your party!
EXTRA INCENTIVE! The first four ladies to schedule a show will receive a FREE 6 inch monogram letter in your choice of font and color!
Become an Uppercase Living Demonstrator and get extra product credit!!
View business opportunity here!
Purchase an Essentials Starter Kit (only $99!) during Summer Splash and get $50 in Living Rewards Product Credit -- that's DOUBLE the normal amount of $25!
Purchase an Essentials Plus Starter Kit (only $199!) during Summer Splash and you'll get $150 in Living Rewards Product Credit -- that's an extra $50 on top of the normal amount of $100!
Product credits can purchase any expressions or accessories! You can use these to decorate your own home or as giveaways and demonstrations to boost your business.
Along with extra product credit, your starter kit contains everything you need to launch a successful business. For a complete list of starter kit contents, visit my website.
Summer Splash is only available for a limited time so be sure to take advantage of all the savings!
Contact me today with any questions about our fantastic Summer Splash incentive or to book your own Open House or catalog party!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Many Uses of WD-40
I received this information in an email the other day and thought it was GREAT! I copied this directly from my email and haven't researched all of it to find out if it's true. However, if it IS all true, this may just be my new favorite thing!
Before you read to the end, does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40 is?
Don't lie and don't cheat.
WD-40. Who knew?
I had a neighbor who had bought a new pickup. I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck
(for some unknown reason). I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.
Another neighbor came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck. I'm impressed! WD-40 who knew? 'Water Displacement #40' The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'water displacement' compound. They were successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts.
Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you. When you read the 'shower door' part, try it .. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as well as glass. It's a miracle! Then try it on your stove top .... Viola! It's now shinier than it's ever been... You'll be amazed. Here are some other uses:
1. Protects silver from tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars..
3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
4. Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
5. Keeps flies off cows.
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
7. Removes lipstick stains.
8. Loosens stubborn zippers.
9. Untangles jewelry chains.
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes.
18. It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks.
19. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not
removed quickly! Use WD-40!
20. Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31. Removes splattered grease on stove..
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
37. Florida 's favorite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers.'
38. The favorite use in the state of New York , WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.
39. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are not allowed in some states.
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch.
41. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean rag.
42. Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and allow the car to start!
P.S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL.
Before you read to the end, does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40 is?
Don't lie and don't cheat.
WD-40. Who knew?
I had a neighbor who had bought a new pickup. I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck
(for some unknown reason). I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.
Another neighbor came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck. I'm impressed! WD-40 who knew? 'Water Displacement #40' The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'water displacement' compound. They were successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts.
Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you. When you read the 'shower door' part, try it .. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as well as glass. It's a miracle! Then try it on your stove top .... Viola! It's now shinier than it's ever been... You'll be amazed. Here are some other uses:
1. Protects silver from tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars..
3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
4. Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
5. Keeps flies off cows.
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
7. Removes lipstick stains.
8. Loosens stubborn zippers.
9. Untangles jewelry chains.
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes.
18. It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks.
19. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not
removed quickly! Use WD-40!
20. Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31. Removes splattered grease on stove..
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
37. Florida 's favorite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers.'
38. The favorite use in the state of New York , WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.
39. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are not allowed in some states.
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch.
41. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean rag.
42. Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and allow the car to start!
P.S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My new favorite online tool . . .
As I was browsing a website recently, there was an ad for www.cozi.com. I checked out and immediately loved what I saw! With three kids, I'm always trying to stay organized with everyone's busy schedules and carry an 8 1/2 x 11 planner with me all the time. Then I found Cozi! Cozi is a free online calendar in which you can color code each family member's name and schedule. Not only does the program provide an online calendar, there is a place for your shopping list and a family journal (which I have yet to use). You can even send all of these items to your mobile phone. So when I'm getting ready to run out the door, I send my list via text message to my phone and don't have to worry about remembering to take my paper list with me! I have really become attached to this program and would recommend it to any busy parent like myself! Check it out!
I'm a horrible blogger!
I've really been totally neglectful in blogging. Although a love for writing seems to run in my family, I didn't get it! Although I've really wanted to be successful with this "hobby", I never seem to know what catches the interest of readers. Anyway, I plan on trying to get back into blogging and to make the time to at least post every once in a while! So . . . let's start now!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Month of Sicknesses!
Luke started it with the croup. This was the second time this winter that he awakened during the night unable to breathe. This time, however, we had the nebulizer available with the appropriate medicines. The next day I took him to the doctor and he confirmed that Luke had croup once again. He has always had a history of having respiratory illnesses ever since he had RSV at 7 months old.
After Luke returned to health, Brad was knocked down by the flu. Ironically, this is the first year the kids and I have ever had a flu shot! Brad has never had the flu and therefore had never chosen to get a flu shot. After spending almost a week in bed, he has now said that he will be the first in line next year to get his flu shot!
This week, Grant has had a severe sore throat. The sore throat started on Friday and he has missed two days of school already. I don't ever remember seeing Grant cry from being in so much pain. After taking him to two different doctors, he was prescribed an antibiotic for a general throat infection. Two different strep tests came back negative. However, he could have an infection similar to strep without actually having strep throat. Grant slept in again this morning but seems to be doing much better and was even able to eat breakfast this morning. This is major progress! I will be taking him to school even if he is a little tardy.
We are hoping that this will bring an end to all the sicknesses in our home for a while. We are definitely ready for warmer weather and better health!
After Luke returned to health, Brad was knocked down by the flu. Ironically, this is the first year the kids and I have ever had a flu shot! Brad has never had the flu and therefore had never chosen to get a flu shot. After spending almost a week in bed, he has now said that he will be the first in line next year to get his flu shot!
This week, Grant has had a severe sore throat. The sore throat started on Friday and he has missed two days of school already. I don't ever remember seeing Grant cry from being in so much pain. After taking him to two different doctors, he was prescribed an antibiotic for a general throat infection. Two different strep tests came back negative. However, he could have an infection similar to strep without actually having strep throat. Grant slept in again this morning but seems to be doing much better and was even able to eat breakfast this morning. This is major progress! I will be taking him to school even if he is a little tardy.
We are hoping that this will bring an end to all the sicknesses in our home for a while. We are definitely ready for warmer weather and better health!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
"Reward" Yourself During Tough Economic Times
We are a one income family with many expenses, just like most people. However, I feel that by being involved with certain reward programs, we are able to reap many benefits! Let me show you how you can do it too . . .
Our family of five enjoys going out to eat, but I can't say that we are eating out any less during these tough economic times. We've always pinched pennies when dining out anyway. First of all, we only go out to eat once a week as a family, usually after church on Sundays. I cook simple meals throughout the week and Sunday is my "day of rest". We used to get those free or reduced priced kids meals at restaurants. That no longer works for us since Grant is 12 and Sydney is 10. Luke, age 6, still eats like a mouse so he's not even an issue.
So what do we do?? First of all, we order waters to drink, and I'm not talking about the bottled waters which cost more than a soda. We have figured that we save at least $10 each time we go out to eat just by drinking water. Water isn't necessarily a favorite of mine. However, when you consider that restaurants charge as much for one soft drink as the price of a two liter soda, it makes you think!
Secondly, I love my Citibank PremierPass Mastercard (www.citicards.com) because of the rewards I get through the program. Our family has been using this card for two years. Now I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting a credit card to just anyone. It is a definite responsibility and can get many people in trouble. However, this is a card which we choose to charge our expenses on each month, and we pay it off as we go. We charge everything from groceries to doctor's visits to cell phone expenses each month. Again, I want to emphasize that we stay on top of things and pay off these expenses as they occur! I would NEVER encourage anyone to maintain balances and end up paying interest charges as well. We are able to maintain a zero balance and reap dining benefits and other rewards at the same time.
Here is an example of some of the benefits we have received this year just for using our card. Last July, I was able to fly to the Uppercase Living Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota for FREE. This past November, I redeemed some of my points for a $50 JCPenney gift card, a $25 Olive Garden gift card and a $25 Chili's gift card. In January, I redeemed more points for a $100 Macaroni Grill gift card, a $100 Chili's gift card, a $50 Olive Garden gift card, a $25 Starbuck's gift card and a $100 Bed Bath and Beyond gift card (which I will be putting toward new kitchen knives). I still have many more points left to use right now and I'm constantly putting them to good use. Not bad for a $75 yearly fee!! All rewards are usually received within a week to two weeks period of time.
Since 2003, I have also been a member of MyPoints (www.mypoints.com) in which I receive similar types of rewards. When shopping online, I make sure to login to MyPoints first and I receive points for my purchases. Once the points add up to the amount I need for a reward, I redeem them. I will warn you that MyPoints also sends advertisements through your email. However, it takes me no more than 15 seconds to click on the offer and receive a few points to add to my account. Again, I have redeemed many rewards for Amazon.com gift cards, restaurant gift cards and others! Of course, I also receive points for referring others to the program so please contact me at writeonthewall@yahoo.com for an invite!
If you are considering ways to cut back expenses or pamper yourself with simple luxuries during tough economic times, I hope these simple ideas will help.
Our family of five enjoys going out to eat, but I can't say that we are eating out any less during these tough economic times. We've always pinched pennies when dining out anyway. First of all, we only go out to eat once a week as a family, usually after church on Sundays. I cook simple meals throughout the week and Sunday is my "day of rest". We used to get those free or reduced priced kids meals at restaurants. That no longer works for us since Grant is 12 and Sydney is 10. Luke, age 6, still eats like a mouse so he's not even an issue.
So what do we do?? First of all, we order waters to drink, and I'm not talking about the bottled waters which cost more than a soda. We have figured that we save at least $10 each time we go out to eat just by drinking water. Water isn't necessarily a favorite of mine. However, when you consider that restaurants charge as much for one soft drink as the price of a two liter soda, it makes you think!
Secondly, I love my Citibank PremierPass Mastercard (www.citicards.com) because of the rewards I get through the program. Our family has been using this card for two years. Now I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting a credit card to just anyone. It is a definite responsibility and can get many people in trouble. However, this is a card which we choose to charge our expenses on each month, and we pay it off as we go. We charge everything from groceries to doctor's visits to cell phone expenses each month. Again, I want to emphasize that we stay on top of things and pay off these expenses as they occur! I would NEVER encourage anyone to maintain balances and end up paying interest charges as well. We are able to maintain a zero balance and reap dining benefits and other rewards at the same time.
Here is an example of some of the benefits we have received this year just for using our card. Last July, I was able to fly to the Uppercase Living Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota for FREE. This past November, I redeemed some of my points for a $50 JCPenney gift card, a $25 Olive Garden gift card and a $25 Chili's gift card. In January, I redeemed more points for a $100 Macaroni Grill gift card, a $100 Chili's gift card, a $50 Olive Garden gift card, a $25 Starbuck's gift card and a $100 Bed Bath and Beyond gift card (which I will be putting toward new kitchen knives). I still have many more points left to use right now and I'm constantly putting them to good use. Not bad for a $75 yearly fee!! All rewards are usually received within a week to two weeks period of time.
Since 2003, I have also been a member of MyPoints (www.mypoints.com) in which I receive similar types of rewards. When shopping online, I make sure to login to MyPoints first and I receive points for my purchases. Once the points add up to the amount I need for a reward, I redeem them. I will warn you that MyPoints also sends advertisements through your email. However, it takes me no more than 15 seconds to click on the offer and receive a few points to add to my account. Again, I have redeemed many rewards for Amazon.com gift cards, restaurant gift cards and others! Of course, I also receive points for referring others to the program so please contact me at writeonthewall@yahoo.com for an invite!
If you are considering ways to cut back expenses or pamper yourself with simple luxuries during tough economic times, I hope these simple ideas will help.
Monday, January 19, 2009

This article was forwarded to me in an email and I found it to be so interesting. Another reason I feel so blessed to live during this time. However, I feel that some of the same advantages we have in this century could also be viewed as DISadvantages.
This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!
The year is 1908.
One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1908 :
************ ********* ********* ******
The average life expectancy was 47 years.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles
Of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average wage in 1908 was 22 cents per hour.
The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year .
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME .
Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard. '
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used
Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from
Entering into their country for any reason.
Five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas , Nevada, was only 30!!!!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea
hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write.
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'
Eighteen percent of households had at least
one full-time servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A. !
Now I forwarded this from someone else without typing
It myself, and sent it to you and others all over Canada & U.S.A
Possibly the world, in a matter of seconds!
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
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